Villa Type II A

Type II-A is located on the outskirts of Estepona, Malaga. We are talking about an isolated single-family home developed on the ground floor. It has 3 main units of bedrooms with a bathroom included, a toilet and a living-dining room with a kitchen open to them, as well as a patio in the center of the house that articulates the spaces and organizes their uses.

  • Value 850.000 €
  • Client Private
  • Developers Julio Rubén Mena Ortiz
  • Location Estepona, Spain
  • Completion Date 10/2022


The main idea is the Mediterranean. From the maxims of light, shadow and water, these ideas are developed, sculpting Type II-A. The intention is to transport the owner to the architecture of the south, passed through a contemporary line but with memories of history.

Villa Type II A
Villa Type II A
Villa Type II A
Villa Type II A
Villa Type II A
Villa Type II A


Incorporating traditional Mediterranean design elements while maintaining a modern aesthetic can be challenging. It requires a delicate balance of incorporating traditional details while keeping the overall design modern and contemporary.


The set generates private spaces pivoted by a patio that separates silence from noise. The transition between these states is accompanied by light, filtered and alive by the interior vegetation. The public area is the heart of the villa. Where the reading of the house is disturbed, the uses merge into one. Pool-pergola-living room-dining room-kitchen. Rich use of space is the definition of this home. Reducing his ideation to a white and a black pivoted by a patio.

Villa Type II A